Commissioning works

For successful operation of complex and expensive equipment one of the most important issues is its correct operation. Without specific knowledge there is a high probability to damage it and to affect the accuracy and quality of manufactured parts.
Our company carries out Installation of all our equipment throughout Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.
All work is processed by highly qualified specialists of our company.

Installation include several stages:
Pre-installation work:
- Foundation making. The customer alone or with a contractor prior to the installation makes the foundation for anchor bolts in accordance with previously provided requirements. Acceptance of machine’s foundation.
- Fulfilling water requirements for waterjet machines (if necessary).
1st stage
Installation of the machine on the foundation with anchor bolts by our specialists. Fill anchor wells made by the Customer. Foundation hardening process shall be not less than 14 days after pouring.
2nd stage
The following works are carried out by our specialists:
- Bed levelling;
- Machine assembling. Electric cabinet wiring (if necessary);
- Connection and start up of machine;
- Geometric accuracy inspection;
- Checking of all the nodes of the machine: spindle assembly, shop tools, turret, measurement tools, rotary table, coolant pump, hydraulic chuck, hydraulic rest, etc., running test programs to verify and test the machine in different cutting modes.
3rd stage
Acceptance of the machine testing is carried out with presence of the customer and includes acceptance of the geometric accuracy test of the machine according to operational manual, as well as manufacturing several standard test parts or other requirements agreed in the contract with the Customer.
The result is the signing of the Acceptance Act of the Installation works by authorized representatives of the Customer. 18 months warranty for equipment is activated once Installation is accepted.
Qualified specialists of our company can train operators at customer’s place. Mainly it consists of 16 hours according to our training program after which the operator will not only operate the machine confidently but also to maintain it properly.
In case installation is executed by the Customer itself, our experts provide assistance and advice how to install, connect, assemble and start up the equipment.