Leasing is one of the most effective tools of business development financing. Leasing of machines in comparison with alternative credit resources offers you the following:
Delayed payment is provided to the lessee for whole period of leasing contract validation which is more available than credit period time. .
Prompt application processing and making decision of leasing project if comparing with bank credit application.
Leasing accelerated amortization coefficient is used which helps lessee to transfer leasing property cost into production prime cost 3 times faster.
По истечении срока лизинга получить в собственность полностью амортизированное имущество за символическую стоимость, что лишает вас необходимости в дальнейшем выплачивать налог на имущество.
Our company has serious practical experience with leading leasing companies both Russian and International.
With the help of leasing major projects of supplied equipment were successfully realized.
Nowadays with a big experience in this field our company can offer you the most efficient and financially stable leasing companies specialized especially on industrial equipment supply.
Our company already has got proved samples of project contracts with our leasing partners which helps us to offer the best terms to our customers.
Application for the selection of a leasing company
leasing companies
Siemens Finance is a universal leasing company that offers financial services rooted in international experience. Over the course of our 12-year history, Siemens Finance (formerly known in the Russian market as DeltaLeasing) concluded more than 6,600 leasing agreements with Russian SME for a broad array of equipment, vehicles and machines valued at more than 600 million Euro. For more details you can check the web site www.siemens.ru/finance
Baltic Leasing Group of Companies was founded in Russia in 1990 and now it is one of the biggest leasing companies with 32 branches located in big cities of Russia and working with all regions. You are welcome to check detailed information on the web site of the company www.baltlease.ru
UniCredit Leasing – one of major player in the market of Russian leasing. Our priority activity directions are different vehicles leasing, building machinery leasing, industrial equipment leasing, realty leasing and International leasing. For detailed information please check the website: www.unicreditleasing.ru www.unicreditleasing.ru
VTB24 Leasing is a trade mark according which the company Systems Leasing 24, ZAO works, that’s the branch company of VTB24 Bank, ZAO. Leasing company specializes on small enterprises and incorporated business servicing.
Leasing equipment initial terms:
• The equipment of all kinds producing, trade activity and service industries
• Prepayment from 10% of the equipment amount
• Leasing terms – up to 5 years
• Requested financing – from 250 thousand to 500 million roubles
Interleasing company is a universal leasing company that has been offering service all over Russia within 13 years. Due to gain experience in finance lease Interleasing develops actively relevant business directions such: used equipment lease and sale, insurance and other. The following financing programs are available: Express, Standard and General Lease. For detailed information about the company and programs please see web-site: http://www.ileasing.ru
JSC TENEKS-Service leasing company was founded in 2005 and is a part of State Corporation «ROSATOM». JSC TENEKS-Service is a universal, dynamic leasing company which gained successful experience in implementation of leasing projects either with Russian or foreign companies and enterprises. You are welcome to check more detailed information on web-site: www.atomleasing.ru