The dialogue was attended by:
- Ryazan region Governor - Nikolay Lyubimov,
- BPK General Director - Diana Kaledina,
- "Sasta" General Director - Victor Shatalov,
- BPK Financial Director - Yuriy Churkin,
- Ryazan Region Government Deputy Chairman - Svetlana Goryachkina,
- Ryazan Region Minister of Industry and Economic Development - Andrei Vorfolomeev.
During the meeting, there were discussed the results of the joint work of the Ryazan Region Government and "Sasta" machine-tool plant, as well as prospects for further cooperation.
“We value our partnership and thank "Sasta" for its active participation in the development of machine tool industry in the Ryazan region" - Governor said durina the converesation.
"Sasta" factory is located in Sasovo, Ryazan region. Machine-tool plant occupies the leading position in Russia in manufacturing of metal cutting machines, suac as lathes and pipe-threading (oil countries machines). It's production is included by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Tradeto the list of enterprises that have a significant impact on industry. Sasta's machines are demanded in such strategic areas as defense industry, the oil and gas and automotive industries, rail transport, and the fuel and energy complex. Sasta's products are exported today to more than 30 countries. Representatives of the company told the Governor about the current re-equipment of the plant, as well as the implementation of the investment project to create a new serial production.
Nikolay Lyubimov mentioned that Ryazan Goverment will support "Sasta" machine tool plant: "We will provide an assistance in the future to "Sasta" to keep positive dynamics," - said the Governor. - "It is important not only for the factory itself, but also for the Ryazan region as a whole, because it gives people jobs and stable income".